Trekking Gear

Trekking Gear

Trekking Gear List for Nepal

It’s crucial to bring the appropriate gear on your adventure. Don’t overlook crucial items, and refrain from bringing too much since a hefty load can make you and/or your porter unhappy. What you’ll need for a comfortable trekking adventure is listed below.

The Essentials

  • Shoes – Lightweight hiking boots are great. Make sure they are comfortable and you have worn them in before arriving in Nepal. Trail running shoes will work, too, which are lighter but not ideal if it rains or snow (unless they are made with Goretex)
  • Shorts
  • Trekking pants
  • T-shirts – Lightweight, quick-drying
  • Long-sleeved shirt
  • Fleece
  • Rain jacket
  • Down jacket
  • Socks
  • Backpack – With a good waist and chest belt; a light one should be enough (e.g. 35 liters capacity)
  • Sleeping bag
  • Cash – Bring enough ruppees to cover your trek. Once you begin trekking, there are no more ATMs (except in Namche)
  • Water – 1L bottle should be enough. You can refill or buy new bottles in tea houses along the way
  • Sunscreen
  • Sunglasses
  • Hat


  • Trekking pole(s)
  • Small first-aid kit – Band-Aids, Diamox (for altitude sickness), antiseptic cream
  • Hand sanitizer
  • Toilet Paper – Which you can buy along the way
  • Quick-dry towel
  • Soap / Shampoo
  • Flashlight / Headlight – A headlight is handy at night, especially since electricity comes and goes pretty often
  • Dust mask – For dusty sections of the trail
  • Camera
  • Sleeping bag liner

Equipment Rental & Purchase in Kathmandu

Don’t worry if you forget something. Everything on this list is available in Kathmandu; just make sure you set aside some time before your trek to shop. There are both name-brand and knockoff stores in Kathmandu that serve the tens of thousands of tourists that arrive in Nepal each year without the necessary supplies. Check out our post on buying and renting gear in Kathmandu for local advice and shopping locations.